We Did Not Volunteer to Get Cancer
By Ex-Chief Jerry Galu
October 2, 2017

Cancer coverage for volunteer firefighters has passed both Houses of the Legislature and is waiting to go to Governor Andrew Cuomo for final action. We need every volunteer firefighter, and their family members, in New York to call AND email Governor Cuomo at 518-474-8390 and click link below

Below are talking points for the phone conversation; and/or click the "take action" button to view and send a draft letter.

Firefighters have a higher incidence of getting certain cancers than the general public.
Currently, only paid firefighters are afforded additional benefits in the event of a cancer diagnosis
The cost of treating cancer can be extremely high, as it includes co-pays, travel expenses to reach treatment centers and lost wages from not being able to work.

FASNY worked hard to craft legislation that minimized the cost of this coverage for counties, towns, villages, and fire districts, while still providing the help that New York’s volunteers need. The cost of this coverage for volunteer firefighters is minimal compared to the $3 billion they save NYS taxpayers each year.

Volunteer firefighters did not volunteer to get cancer.

Hyperlinks: Email the Governor